Vincent "Walle" Brown has been breakin' for 7 years. He is the leader of the performance group Owl Style Zero, and founding president of the Kennesaw Breakdance Club. He teaches dance to newcomers, practices with the current "scene", performs at numerous around the Metro area and still learns from others within the scene(older and younger).
Before he found breakin', he tampered with these other dance styles: Krumping, Salsa, Baachata, Meringue, Locking, Popping, and Choreo-centric Hip-hop. After finding breakin' he has since stumbled into the styles of: Swing, Jazz, Tap, House and African, and merged aspects of each into his breaking. His particular style of breakin' combines abstract concepts of rhythm and geometry with foundational dance techniques and his inward personality. Together with so g, his style of dance attempts to embody music and soul, so as to honestly reveal his inward self toward his audience.
As breakin' is an art of expression as much as it is a genre of movement, his speaking presentation will briefly cover the history of breaking as well as seek to inspire a respect for the mix of spontaneity and structured technique within the dance form. Also, Walle will connect the music to the movement, then the movement to the dancer- in order to define what is unique and original within breaking.
Then, he will speak on the history, passion and dedication within the local breakin' scene of the Metro-Atlanta area, and what it needs to foster a healthier and more diverse dance community.
Lastly, he whole-heartedly welcomes all interested audience members to stop by for a class at The Space ATL (Sundays 12-1pm) or an open cypher at KSU ( See KSU breakdance club FB page for meeting details).